Staging Silence (3): Hans Op de Beeck

March 1 – November 30, 2025

Staging Silence (3), 2019, is Belgian artist Hans Op de Beeck’s third and final installment in a series of autonomous art films. In the video, two pairs of anonymous hands construct and deconstruct fictional interiors and landscapes on a film set that is less than 10 feet in size.

Staging Silence (3) takes the viewer on a visual journey through depopulated, enigmatic, often melancholic, but nonetheless playful, small-scale places, all built and dismantled before the eye of the camera. The hands control the life or death and blossoming or decay of the conjured places. Each new landscape or interior teems with historical and current cultural and subcultural references, specifically in the way in which humans try to mold both nature and architectural spaces to create meaning, identity, and a logical interaction with time.

Op de Beeck also included clear references to his life-size sculptures and immersive installations within the film. Inspired by the images, the score of Staging Silence (3) was composed and performed by British composer-musician Scanner.

Hans Op de Beeck (Turnhout, Belgium, 1969 - ), Still from Staging Silence (3), 2019, black and white video, stereo sound, full HD.

This exhibition is organized by the Arkansas Museum of Fine Arts.