Lori Larusso: A Paradox of Plenty

August 26, 2025 – May 3, 2026

Kentucky-based artist Lori Larusso's painting installation playfully tumbles across the Robyn and John Horn Gallery with no regard for centerline.

Her installations depict a parade of objects—the everyday, forgettable, or sometimes nostalgic bits that we consume and discard. An upturned shopping cart spills its contents onto the ground like an ironic cornucopia.

There is humor as well as reason for reflection as these things take on coded meanings in new contexts.

Lori Larusso (Massillon, Ohio, 1980 - ), Binge & Purge, 2024, acrylic on 2 panels, 72 x 48 in.

This exhibition is organized by the Arkansas Museum of Fine Arts.